hahaha nice work, keep it up!
hahaha nice work, keep it up!
Thanks, I shall!
Nice and smooth throuhgout.
Fast enough for a stick figure fight, which is what most people get wrong, but you made it fast and slow enough to follow.
Would love to see some stand alone scene abit longer than this one. I hope this will happen as this is a 'practice'.
Well done,
Thanks, thus far Blades is the only really decent animation I've done.
i wasn't expecting that...
what an idea...
I dont think many people would have thought of doing that so keep up the work cus we're all loving it so far!
thanks! :)
I keep watching it over and over and wondering how you can make such funny vids! The scrip is genious and i love it. It's a true contribution to comedy!
Keep 'em coming i wanna watch more!!!!!!
If you like/dont mind swearing then this is esactly what the title says: AWSOME. And i love the way it even follows the games storyline and when i thought about it i was thinking esactly what it says when those scenes happened to me. Simply brilliant!
I love gaming, on console or my PC. I build, program and find anything to do with computer enjoyable and relaxing. I'm also becoming a well known filmmaker on Youtube under the name: noobwithacamera 'Madsman' was an error that stuck and is my nickname
Age 29, Male
Game & Film Director
Joined on 6/19/10